OFN Financial Management Workshop

When:  Dec 6, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  Open Forum

Designed for CDFI financial management professionals, this workshop is intended to help practitioners build their CDFI’s organizational resiliency through financial management. This is a hybrid offering, with a full-day, in-person workshop in Washington, D.C. on December 6, 2023 from 9am-4:30pm followed by a 90-min virtual learning session via Zoom on January 11, 2024 from 2:30-4pm ET. The registration fee includes both of these components.

During the in-person workshop, attendees will dive into the CAMEL framework, exploring leading practices for monitoring, analyzing, and assessing their CDFIs’ financial health through exercises involving both cases studies and analysis of their own organizations’ financials.

Attendees will also receive access to Excel tools developed by OFN, such as a CAMEL KPI dashboard. The dashboard is an interconnected Excel tool that allows practitioners to leverage the CAMEL framework to identify trends in their CDFI’s financials, make financial projections, and assess performance against key performance indicators. OFN staff facilitators will work with attendees to adapt these concepts, materials, and tools to the needs of their CDFI.

To maximize the workshop experience, participants will need to bring a laptop that can run Microsoft Excel as well as their CDFI’s most recent audited financials from the past three fiscal years. Additional information will be sent one week prior to the in-person workshop.

Approximately six weeks after the in-person workshop, attendees will participate in a 90-min follow-up virtual session to discuss how they’ve adapted the tools and concepts to their CDFI; raise new questions and get support with any challenges they’ve encountered; share feedback on implementation; and engage in peer learning.

For CDFIs that do not have 2-3 years of audited financials yet, we recommend exploring OFN’s other financial management courses, which will be available in Q1 2024.

Please note that registration fees for this training are substantially subsidized as it is sponsored by the Citi Foundation. 

Fees | Member: $185, Non-Member/ General: $370


OFN Office
901 D St. SW
Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20024