The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program, created in 1986, encourages the investment of private capital in the development of affordable rental properties. To receive LIHTC benefits, owners of qualifying rental properties agree to comply with low-income occupancy requirements for a minimum of 30 years. During the past 30 + years, this highly successful program produced more than two million units of affordable housing. Properties completing their initial 15-year tax credit compliance periods face several business, legal, tax, and accounting issues, that must be addressed before the properties can successfully reposition. Our conference will examine the opportunities and challenges facing owners of maturing tax credit properties and the ways proactive owners and investors can maximize the value of tax credit properties in Year 15. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend the industry’s most respected, most comprehensive, and longest-running course on tax credit property dispositions and Year 15. You’ll learn from leading national experts in the LIHTC industry and from your fellow attendees as you network and discuss some of the major possibilities and challenges facing the affordable housing industry across the country. In addition to our traditional reception on Thursday, February 29, we’ll also host a welcome reception the evening of Wednesday, February 28. Register today!