OFN Resources

Weathering the Highly Competitive Job Climate: Talent Recruitment and Retention 

03-29-2023 09:21 AM

CDFIs are on the front lines of creating an economy that works for all, so it's critical we start by creating an equitable foundation at home in our own workplaces. Staff who understand community, impact, technical assistance, relationship cultivation, and the CDFI lending culture are essential in marrying mission to operation. Further, if CDFIs want to attract and retain top talent, we must offer attractive jobs with competitive compensation and relevant benefits to a diverse talent pool. 

In today’s post-pandemic, highly competitive job climate, where do the right practitioners come from? How do we recruit them? How do we keep them? How do we compete with banks for qualified lending staff? Whether an emerging, expanding, or mature CDFI, recruiting and retaining the right staff is an ongoing challenge.  

This session examines successful recruitment strategies, tested retention approaches, and provides actionable examples that can be implemented to develop your team. 

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